170808 – 3 minute inventions – 003


‘3 minute inventions – 003’  was recorded using a roland go mixer, and is a blend of make noise 0 coast, arturia minibrute and roland gaia, sequenced using a arturia keystep, and modulated via korg and roland aira effect units. 

stay tuned and warped. 

170805 – 3 minute inventions – 002

‘3 minute inventions – 002’ was recorded using a roland go mixer, and is a blend of make noise 0 coast, arturia minibrute, roland gaia and sh32, sequenced using a arturia keystep, and modulated via korg and roland aira effect units. 

stay tuned and warped. 

170802 – 3 minute inventions 


starting today, i will be launching a series of videos titled ‘3 minute inventions’ on the scales of angels youtube page. 

the videos are based on a compositional process i use to spark my creativity, wherein, using a set of predetermined rules i create a composition within three minutes. 

as part of these videos, not only will i be exploring time and pitch, but i will also be using different instruments in my studio, highlighting the reasons i love them, experimenting and hopefully finding new sounds, and exploiting the things they do well, the things i didn’t know they could do, and even the things i don’t particularly like, but work depending on the context.

if you have a few minutes in your day, i hope you get a chance to check them out, take a look and let me know what you think.

stay tuned and warped.